SCREENING of all our patients and staff in order to ensure safety for all
- When booking an appointment, patients will complete a screening questionnaire via telephone and a secondary in-person screening will be required before entering the clinic.
- Face masks and hand sanitizer will be available for all patients and staff to use.
- All clinic staff are screened each day before entering the clinic, which includes a questionnaire.
ADJUSTING our workspace to maintain social distancing
- Patient appointment times will be staggered to enable social distancing, screening, and time for cleaning treatment areas and equipment.
- Clinic waiting and treatment areas have been rearranged to maintain 2m physical distancing, with signage and floor decals as reminders.
- Clinic operating hours and clinician schedules will be adjusted to accommodate the above changes.
FOCUSED EFFORTS on enhanced cleaning and disinfecting our clinics/offices
- Plexiglass screen guards have been installed at all clinics at reception.
- Clinics will undergo a thorough cleaning each day.
- Following all treatment sessions, staff will clean any equipment used and all high touch surfaces such as door handles.
EFFECTIVE usage of Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”)
- Every patient will receive a mask prior to the start of their appointment.
- Clinics are adhering to all PPE recommendations by provincial public health authorities and our local professional association.
REACHING the best possible outcomes for our patients and customers
- We remain committed to ensuring we provide the best possible care for our patients.